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Aglasterhausen im Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Aglasterhausen nur als CD". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1654-1913". The name of the author: "Ludwig Gruppenbacher". It costs 25,00 €
Allmannsweier im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Heimatbuch Allmannsweier". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1642-1999". The name of the author: "Ernst Gleichert, Achim Fiehn, Manfred Nierlin, Klaus Siefert". *
Altdorf im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Altdorf". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1591-1974". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Hans Scheer". *
Altenheim im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Altenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1634-1971". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Eugen Eble". It costs 56,00 €
Altlußheim im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Altlußheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1584-1920". The name of the author: "Wolfgang Ockert". *
Altschweier im Kreis Rastatt/Baden.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Altschweier". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1690-1960". The name of the author: "Tilman Krieg". It costs 42,00 €
Assamstadt im Landkreis Main-Tauber-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Assamstadt". The last edition was published in 1986. The recorded period is: "1669-1945". The name of the author: "Prof. Dr. Burkhart Oertel". *
Auerbach im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Badische Waldenserkolonien Auerbach, ...". The last edition was published in 2002. The recorded period is: "1699-1827". The name of the author: "Dr. Theo Kiefner". *
Auggen im Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Auggen u. a. ". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1537-2020". The name of the author: "Ernst Albert Giesel". It costs 45,00 €
Augustistadt-Gochsheim im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Badische Waldenserkolonien Augustistadt-Gochsheim,". The last edition was published in 2002. The recorded period is: "1699-1827". The name of the author: "Dr. Theo Kiefner". *
Bachheim im Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Bachheim und Neuenburg". The last edition was published in 1984. The recorded period is: "1624-1983". The name of the author: "Karla Scherer, Emil Ketterer". *
Bahnbrücken im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Bahnbrücken". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "17843-1987". The name of the author: "Oskar Schmitt". *
Balzfeld im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Dielheimer Familienbuch". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1648-1900". The name of the author: "Klaus Ronellenfitsch". *
Bauschlott im Enzkreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Bauschlott". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1642-1988". The name of the author: "Ernst Hahner". It costs 30,00 €
Binzen im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Binzen-Rümmingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1598-1966". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Fritz Schülin". *
Bischoffingen im Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Bischoffingen". The last edition was published in 2011. The recorded period is: "1642-1910". The name of the author: "Kurt Heinzmann". It costs 27,00 €
Blankenloch-Büchig-Stutensee im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Blankenloch - Büchig und dem Stutensee". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1672-1920". The name of the author: "Walter August Scheidle". It costs 40,90 €
Blansingen im Kreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Blansingen-Welmlingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1530-2021". The name of the author: "Helmut Fehse, Günter Henn, Ursula Tanner". It costs 47,00 €
Bötzingen/Oberschaffhausen im Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Bötzingen mit Oberschaffhausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1700-1910". The name of the author: "Kurt Heinzmann". *
Breitenbronn im Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Daudenzell - Breitenbronn nur als CD". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1603-1915". The name of the author: "Ludwig Gruppenbacher". It costs 25,00 €
Britzingen im Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Britzingen". The last edition was published in 1979. The recorded period is: "1602-1973". The name of the author: "Rolf Eilers, Eugen Eble, Albert Hofmann". *
Broggingen im Landkreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Broggingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1649-1999". The name of the author: "Erich Reinbold". *
Brombach im Ortsteil von Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Brombach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1648-1907". The name of the author: "Karlheinz Hahn". It costs 42,00 €
Bruchsal im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Bruchsal (digitale Ausgabe und Bildband)". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1700-2015 ". The name of the author: "Maria M. Schlitz". *
Büchenau im Kreis Bruchsal.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Büchenau". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1607-ca. 1". The name of the author: "Reinhard Geißler". *
Büchig im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Blankenloch - Büchig und dem Stutensee". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1672-1920". The name of the author: "Walter August Scheidle". It costs 40,90 €
Burbach im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Burbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1726-1900". The name of the author: "Günter Schäfer". It costs 24,80 €
Burkheim/Kaiserstuhl im Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Burkheim". The last edition was published in 2010. The recorded period is: "1600-2008". The name of the author: "Wolfgang Trogus u. a.". It costs 54,00 €
Dattingen im Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Britzingen". The last edition was published in 1979. The recorded period is: "1602-1973". The name of the author: "Rolf Eilers, Eugen Eble, Albert Hofmann". *
Daudenzell im Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Daudenzell - Breitenbronn nur als CD". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1603-1915". The name of the author: "Ludwig Gruppenbacher". It costs 25,00 €
Dettenheim im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Karlsdorf und Dettenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1696-1904". The name of the author: "Alois Riffel". *
Diedelsheim im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Diedelsheim". The last edition was published in 1995. The recorded period is: "1599-1995". The name of the author: "Helmut Kumlin". *
Dielheim im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Dielheimer Familienbuch". The last edition was published in 2000. The recorded period is: "1648-1900". The name of the author: "Klaus Ronellenfitsch". *
Dörlinbach im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Heimatbuch Dörlinbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1670-1990". The name of the author: "Gerhard Finkbeiner, Dieter Griesbaum, Erich Reinbold, Klaus Siefert". It costs 51,00 €
Dossenheim (Baden) im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Einwohner und Ortsfremde in Dossenheim und Schwabenheimer Hof". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1901". The name of the author: "Werner Ph. Helmus". It costs 63,00 €
Dühren im Landkreis Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Dühren". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1696-1982". The name of the author: "Tilman Wacker". It costs 156,00 € *
Dundenheim im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Dundenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1633-1976". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Hans Scheer". *
Edingen-Neckarhausen im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Edingen-Neckarhausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1647-1900". The name of the author: "Rudolf Kreutzer". *
Efringen-Kirchen im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Efringen-Kirchen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1579-1957". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Fritz Schülin". *
Eggenstein im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Eggenstein". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1702-1920". The name of the author: "Walter August Scheidle". It costs 25,00 €
Egringen im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Dorfsippenbuch Egringen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1581-1957". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Eichstetten im Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Eichstetten". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1644-1900". The name of the author: "Kurt Heinzmann". *
Eichtersheim im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Eichtersheim und seine Einwohner". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1699-1903". The name of the author: "Josef Seitz". It costs 28,00 €
Eimeldingen im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Eimeldingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1648-1978". The name of the author: "Helmut Fehse". *
Elsenz im Landkreis Heilbronn.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Elsenz". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1656-1925". The name of the author: "Klaus Rößler". *
Eppelheim im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Eppelheimer Familien". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1900". The name of the author: "Franz Sobkowiak, Lothar Wesch". *
Eppingen im Landkreis Heilbronn.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Eppingen". The last edition was published in 1998. The recorded period is: "1640-1970". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher". It costs 56,50 €
Erfeld im Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familien und Sippen der Gemeinde Erfeld". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1585-1905". The name of the author: "Dieter Haas". It costs 22,00 €
Ettenheimmünster im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Heimatbuch Ettenheimmünster". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1648-1988". The name of the author: "Josef Helle, Erich Reinbold". It costs 80,00 €
Eutingen an der Enz im Stadtkreis Pforzheim.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Eutingen an der Enz". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1707-1907". The name of the author: "Wolfgang Hamm, Kurt Stöhr, Jürgen Wiesenfarth, Karl-Heinz Bossert". It costs 95,00 €
Feldberg mit Gennenbach und Rheintal im Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Feldberg mit Gennenbach u. Rheintal". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1639-2020". The name of the author: "Peter Waldkirch, Gerd Schaupp, Beate u. Herbert Gabelmann, Anita Hurst". It costs 25,00 €
Feudenheim im Kreis Mannheim.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Feudenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1900". The name of the author: "Rudolf Kreutzer". *
Feuerbach im Kr. Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbücher Obereggenen, Schallsingen, Sitzenkirch, Niedereggenen, Feuerbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1550-2013". The name of the author: "Gerd Schaupp, Arbeitsgruppe Chronik Eggenertal". It costs 30,00 €
Fischingen im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Fischingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1574-1970". The name of the author: "Helmut Fehse". *
Forst im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Forster Familien". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1700-1900". The name of the author: "Dr. Konrad Dussel".
Frauenalb im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Schielberg und Frauenalb". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1720-1900". The name of the author: "Gebhard Axtmann". *
Freiamt im Landkreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Freiamt". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1637-1953". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Friedrichsfeld im Stadtkreis Mannheim.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Friedrichsfeld/Baden". The last edition was published in 1998. The recorded period is: "1741-1900". The name of the author: "Rudolf Kreutzer". It costs 20,00 €
Friedrichstal im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Badische Waldenserkolonien Friedrichstal, ...". The last edition was published in 2002. The recorded period is: "1699-1827". The name of the author: "Dr. Theo Kiefner". *
Friedrichstal/Baden (Stutensee-Friedrichstal) im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Friedrichstal/Baden". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1699-1920". The name of the author: "Walter August Scheidle". It costs 32,50 €
Friedrichstal/Baden (Stutensee-Friedrichstal) im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Friedrichstal/Baden". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1699-1915". The name of the author: "Siegbert Funk".
Friesenheim im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Friesenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1598-1956". The name of the author: "Adolf Gänshirt, Erich Reinbold, Klaus Siefert". *
Gamshurst im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Gamshurst". The last edition was published in 2007. The recorded period is: "1650-1950". The name of the author: "". It costs 50,00 €
Gochsheim im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Gochsheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1660-1965". The name of the author: "Rudolf Herzer, Heinrich Käser". *
Göbrichen im Enzkreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Göbrichen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1561-1945". The name of the author: "Ernst Hahner". *
Gölshausen im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Gölshausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1565-2015". The name of the author: "Herbert Vogler". It costs 29,50 €
Grafenhausen im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Grafenhausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1680-1970". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Grenzach im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Grenzach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1599-1973". The name of the author: "Margarete Herzer, Rudolf Herzer". *
Großweier im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Großweier". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1950". The name of the author: "Rolf Federle". *
Gündlingen im Stadt Breisach.
The name of the book: "Die Familiengeschichte von Gündlingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1600-1900". The name of the author: "Andreas Zipfel-Waag". It costs 59,00 €
Güttigheim im Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Britzingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1602-1973". The name of the author: "Rolf Eilers, Eugen Eble, Albert Hofmann". *
Haagen im Ortsteil von Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Haagen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1679-1905". The name of the author: "Karlheinz Hahn". It costs 45,00 €
Haltingen im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Haltingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1586-1964". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Fritz Schülin, Eugen Katzenstein, u. a.". *
Hambrücken im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Hambrücken". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1698-1900". The name of the author: "Klaus Rössler". *
Handschuhsheim im Stadtkreis Heidelberg.
The name of the book: "Die Handschuhsheimer vor 1900". The last edition was published in 1988. The recorded period is: "1650-1900". The name of the author: "Martin Jordan". *
Heddesheim im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Heddesheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1647-1900". The name of the author: "Rudolf Kreutzer". *
Heidelsheim im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Heidelsheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1989". The name of the author: "Maria M. Schlitz". It costs 100,00 €
Heiligenzell im Kreis Ortenau.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Heiligenzell". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-2005". The name of the author: "Adolf Gänshirt, Erich Reinbold, Klaus Siefert". It costs 40,00 €
Herbolzheim im Landkreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Sippenbuch der Stadt Herbolzheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1596-1966". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Karl Friedrich Kirner, Margarete Kirner, Karl Werner Klüber, Klaus Schemies, Rolf Eilers". *
Hertingen im Kreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Hertingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1565-2009". The name of the author: "Helmut Fehse, Günter Henn, Ursula Tanner". It costs 35,00 € *
Hirschberg/Bergstraße im Kreis: Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Hirschberg/Bergstraße". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1675-1900". The name of the author: "Rudolf Kreutzer". *
Hochhausen an der Tauber im Landkreis Main-Tauber-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Hochhausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1612-1988". The name of the author: "Irmgard Wernher-Lippert". *
Hochstetten im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Hochstetten". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1644-1930". The name of the author: "Kurt Joss". It costs 30,00 €
Hockenheim im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Hockenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1726-1901". The name of the author: "Horst Auer, Franz Bitz, Gerhard Heinrich, Werner Ph. Helmus". It costs 65,00 €
Hofweier im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Hofweier". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1670-1910". The name of the author: "Kurt Josef Hogenmüller". It costs 45,00 €
Hohenwettersbach im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Hohenwettersbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1714-1815". The name of the author: "Armin G. Meyer". It costs 40,00 €
Horrenberg im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Dielheimer Familienbuch". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1648-1900". The name of the author: "Klaus Ronellenfitsch". *
Hüfingen im Landkreis Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Sippenbuch der Stadt Hüfingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1597-1961". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Huttenheim im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Familien und Sippen in Huttenheim". The last edition was published in 2011. The recorded period is: "1692-1910". The name of the author: "Dieter Haas". *
Huttingen im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Istein und Huttingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1585-1968". The name of the author: "Eugen Eble". *
Ichenheim im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Ichenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1633-1977". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Hans Scheer".
Ilvesheim im Landkreis: Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ilvesheimer Kirchenbücher". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1651-1900". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher, Karlheinz Jakoby". *
Immenstaad im Kreis Bodensee.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Immenstaad/Bodensee". The last edition was published in 2007. The recorded period is: "1612-1920". The name of the author: "Wolfgang Trogus, Dieter Hallmanns". It costs 78,00 €
Istein im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Istein und Huttingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1585-1968". The name of the author: "Eugen Eble". *
Jöhlingen im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Jöhlingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1925". The name of the author: "Iris Eßwein". It costs 52,00 €
Kappel am Rhein im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Kappel am Rhein". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1699-1955". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Kappelwindeck im Kreis Rastatt/Baden.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Kappelwindeck & Rittersbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1690-1970". The name of the author: "Tilman Krieg". It costs 69,00 €
Karlsdorf im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Karlsdorf und Dettenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1696-1904". The name of the author: "Alois Riffel". *
Karlsruhe im Stadtkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Hof und Hofdienerschaft Durlach/Karlsruhe". The last edition was published in 2014. The recorded period is: "1688-1761". The name of the author: "Armin G. Meyer, Sabine Meyer-Carillon". It costs 45,00 €
Karlsruhe im Stadtkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Reformierte Kirche, Karlsruhe". The last edition was published in 2014. The recorded period is: "1722-1821". The name of the author: "Armin G. Meyer, Sabine Meyer-Carillon". It costs 43,00 €
Kelsterbach/Neukelsterbach im Kreis Groß-Gerau/Hessen.
The name of the book: "Badische Waldenserkolonien Neukelsterbach, ...". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1699-1827". The name of the author: "Dr. Theo Kiefner". *
Kippenhausen im Kreis Immenstaad.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Kippenhausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1612-1920". The name of the author: "Wolfgang Trogus". It costs 48,00 € *
Kippenheim im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Kippenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1642-1978". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Hans Scheer, Klaus Siefert". *
Kippenheimweiler im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Dorfsippenbuch Kippenheimweiler". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1655-1957". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Erich Henschke". *
Kirchheim im Kreis Heidelberg.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Kirchheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1900". The name of the author: "Oskar Schmitt +, Rudolf Sickmüller +, Brigitte und Werner Helmus". It costs 37,00 €
Kirrlach im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Kirrlach". The last edition was published in 2011. The recorded period is: "1669-1900". The name of the author: "Rolf Schneider". It costs 30,00 €
Kleinkems im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Kleinkems". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1584-1974". The name of the author: "Dr. Walter Sick". *
Kleinsteinbach im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Badische Waldenserkolonien Kleinsteinbach, ...". The last edition was published in 2001. The recorded period is: "1699-1827". The name of the author: "Dr. Theo Kiefner". *
Königsbach im Enzkreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Königsbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1696-1900". The name of the author: "Ernst Hahner". It costs 45,00 €
Kronau im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Kronau in Baden und seine Einwohner". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1629-1910". The name of the author: "Josef Seitz". *
Kürzell im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Kürzell im Ried". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-2020". The name of the author: "Hans Roth, Ulrike Derndinger, Franz-Josef Gieringer, Reinhard Zittlau, Klaus Siefert". It costs 60,00 €
Kuppenheim im Landkreis Rastatt.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Kuppenheim mit Oberndorf und Rauental". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1691-1906". The name of the author: "Gerhard F. Linder und Gernot Jutt". It costs 69,80 €
Ladenburg im Landkreis: Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ladenburger Kirchenbücher I.". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1649-1821". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher". It costs 12,00 €
Ladenburg im Landkreis: Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ladenburger Kirchenbücher II.". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1646-1815". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher". *
Ladenburg im Landkreis: Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ladenburger Kirchenbücher III.". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1822-1876". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher". It costs 15,00 €
Landshausen im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Landshausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1649-1900". The name of the author: "Klaus Rössler". *
Langenalb im Enzkreis.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Langenalb mit Marxzell". The last edition was published in 2011. The recorded period is: "1684-1920". The name of the author: "Herbert Kling". *
Leimen im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familien in Leimen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1677-1900". The name of the author: "Kurt Frei". *
Leopoldshafen im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Leopoldshafen (Schröck)". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1702-1920". The name of the author: "Walter August Scheidle". It costs 20,00 €
Liedolsheim im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Liedolsheimer Familien Ortssippenbuch". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1734-1920". The name of the author: "Wilhelm Lang". It costs 35,00 €
Linkenheim im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Linkenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1591-1925". The name of the author: "Kurt Joss, Manfred Becker". It costs 32,00 €
Mahlberg im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Mahlberg-Orschweier". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1651-1976". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Klaus Siefert". *
Maisbach (Baden) im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Nußloch und Maisbach vor 1901". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1698-1900". The name of the author: "Margit Oswald, Werner Helmus". It costs 63,00 €
Marxzell im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Langenalb mit Marxzell". The last edition was published in 2011. The recorded period is: "1684-1920". The name of the author: "Herbert Kling". *
Mauchen im Kreis Waldshut.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Mauchen, Band 1, 1648-1812; Band 2, 1812-1900". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1812-1900". The name of the author: "Prof. Dr. Kurt Erlemann". It costs 64,00 €
Meißenheim im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Meißenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1568 -1969". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Mengen im Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Mengen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1656-1915". The name of the author: "Karlheinz Hahn". *
Menzingen im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Menzingen". The last edition was published in 1992. The recorded period is: "1605-1900". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher". *
Michelfeld im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Michelfeld und seine Einwohner". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1500-1906". The name of the author: "Josef Seitz". *
Mietersheim im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Mietersheim". The last edition was published in 1975. The recorded period is: "1631-1972". The name of the author: "Klaus Siefert". *
Müllen im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Müllen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1727-1967". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Münchweier im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Münchweier". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1584-1996". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Erich Reinbold, Klaus Siefert". It costs 45,00 €
Münzesheim im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Münzesheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1656-1987". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher". *
Muggardt im Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Britzingen". The last edition was published in 1979. The recorded period is: "1602-1973". The name of the author: "Rolf Eilers, Eugen Eble, Albert Hofmann". *
Mundingen im Kreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Mundingen und Niederemmendingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1640-1913". The name of the author: "Karin Werner". It costs 38,00 €
Neckargemünd (Baden) im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familien in Neckargemünd und Kleingemünd". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1640-1910". The name of the author: "Rolf Odenwald". It costs 39,80 €
Neckarhausen im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Edingen-Neckarhausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1647-1900". The name of the author: "Rudolf Kreutzer". *
Neuenbürg im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Oberöwisheim - Neuenbürg". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1785-1900". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher, Klaus Rößler". *
Neuenburg (Weiler) im Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Bachheim und Neuenburg". The last edition was published in 1984. The recorded period is: "1624-1983". The name of the author: "Karla Scherer, Emil Ketterer". *
Neulußheim im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Neulußheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1716-1920". The name of the author: "Wolfgang Ockert". *
Neusatz im Kreis Bühl/Baden.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Neusatz". The last edition was published in . The name of the author: "". *
Niedereggenen im Kreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbücher Obereggenen, Schallsingen, Sitzenkirch, Niedereggenen, Feuerbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1550-2013". The name of the author: "Gerd Schaupp, Arbeitsgruppe Chronik Eggenertal". It costs 30,00 €
Niederemmendingen im Kreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Mundingen und Niederemmendingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1640-1806". The name of the author: "Karin Werner". It costs 35,00 €
Niederhausen/Breisgau im Landkreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Rheinhausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1688-1974". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Niefern im Enzkreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Niefern". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1608-1910". The name of the author: "Erich Th. Lutz". It costs 50,00 €
Nimburg/Bottingen im Kreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Nimburg mit Bottingen". The last edition was published in 2008. The recorded period is: "1713-1910". The name of the author: "Kurt Heinzmann". *
Nonnenweier im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Nonnenweier". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1642-1970". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Klaus Siefert". It costs 53,70 €
Nußbaum im Enzkreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Nußbaum". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1510-1993". The name of the author: "Walter Adolf Engelsberger". It costs 40,00 €
Nußloch (Baden) im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Nußloch und Maisbach vor 1901". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1698-1900". The name of the author: "Margit Oswald, Werner Helmus". It costs 63,00 €
Oberacker im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Oberacker". The last edition was published in 1970. The recorded period is: "1648-1900". The name of the author: "Margarete Herzer, Rudolf Herzer". *
Obereggenen im Kr. Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbücher Obereggenen, Schallsingen, Sitzenkirch, Niedereggenen, Feuerbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1550-2013". The name of the author: "Gerd Schaupp, Arbeitsgruppe Chronik Eggenertal". It costs 30,00 €
Obergrombach im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Obergrombach". The last edition was published in 1984. The recorded period is: "1656-1980". The name of the author: "Bruno Janzer". *
Oberhausen/Breisgau im Landkreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Rheinhausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1688-1974". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Oberhausen-Rheinhausen im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Bürger und Fremde in Oberhausen-Rheinhausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1729-1900". The name of the author: "Dieter Baumann". *
Oberndorf im Stadtteil von Kuppenheim im Landkreis Rastatt.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Kuppenheim mit Oberndorf und Rauental". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1691-1906". The name of the author: "Gerhard F. Linder †und Gernot Jutt". It costs 69,80 €
Oberöwisheim im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Oberöwisheim - Neuenbürg". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1648-1900". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher, Klaus Rössler". *
Oberweier im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Oberweier". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1620-2012". The name of the author: " Josef Eisenbeis, Ekkehard Klem, Albrecht Stuber, Klaus Siefert". It costs 56,00 €
Obrigheim/Baden im Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Obrigheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1915". The name of the author: "Karl Wilhelm Bädecker". *
Odenheim im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Odenheimer Familienbuch". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1695-1925". The name of the author: "Klaus Rössler". It costs 37,00 €
Odenheim im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Odenheimer Familienbuch". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1695-1925". The name of the author: "Klaus Rössler". It costs 37,00 €
Önsbach im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Önsbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1720-1950". The name of the author: "Eugen Weber". *
Öschelbronn im Enzkreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Öschelbronn". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1548-1910". The name of the author: "Walter Pfenninger". It costs 25,00 €
Ötlingen im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Ötlingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1970". The name of the author: "Ernst Kreutner". *
Oftersheim im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familien in Oftersheim". The last edition was published in 1992. The recorded period is: "1694-1900". The name of the author: "Kurt Frei". *
Opfingen im Kreis Freiburg.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Opfingen mit Sankt Nikolaus". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1680-1910". The name of the author: "Kurt Heinzmann". *
Orschweier im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Mahlberg-Orschweier". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1651-1976". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Klaus Siefert". *
Ottenheim im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Ottenheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1642-1999". The name of the author: "Kurt Baumann, Mathilde Siebert, Klaus Siefert". It costs 35,00 €
Ottersdorf im Landkreis Rastatt.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Ottersdorf mit den Filialorten Plittersdorf und Wintersdorf". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1700-1913". The name of the author: "Edbert Burster, Ernst Hahner". *
Ottersweier im Kreis Rastatt/Baden.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Ottersweier". The last edition was published in 2011. The recorded period is: "1641-1940". The name of the author: "Maria Koerfer". It costs 92,00 €
Ottoschwanden im Landkreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Ottoschwanden". The last edition was published in . The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Palmbach im Stadtkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Badische Waldenserkolonien Palmbach, ...". The last edition was published in 2001. The recorded period is: "1699-1827". The name of the author: "Dr. Theo Kiefner". *
Pfaffenrot, jetzt Marxzell im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Pfaffenrot". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1720-1900". The name of the author: "Dr. Günter Schäfer". *
Pforzheim im Stadtkreis.
The name of the book: "Badische Waldenserkolonien Pforzheim, ...". The last edition was published in 2002. The recorded period is: "1699-1827". The name of the author: "Dr. Theo Kiefner". *
Pforzheim-Würm im Pforzheim.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Würm (Stadtteil von Pforzheim)". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1648-1903". The name of the author: "Wolfgang Hamm, Ruth Schneider, Kurt Stöhr". It costs 39,80 €
Philippsburg im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch der Stadt Philippsburg". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1576-1905". The name of the author: "Dieter Haas". *
Plankstadt im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familien in Plankstadt". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1910". The name of the author: "Lothar Wesch". *
Plittersdorf im Landkreis Rastatt.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Ottersdorf mit Filialorten Plittersdorf und Wintersdorf". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1700-1808". The name of the author: "Edbert Burster, Ernst Hahner". *
Rauenberg im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Rauenberg mit Rotenberg". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1721-1930". The name of the author: "Klaus Rössler". *
Rauental im Landkreis Rastatt ist ein Stadtteil von Rastatt.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Kuppenheim mit Oberndorf und Rauental". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1691-1906". The name of the author: "Gerhard F. Linder und Gernot Jutt". It costs 69,80 €
Reilingen im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Reilingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1698-1920". The name of the author: "Rolf Schneider". *
Rheinhausen/Breisgau im Landkreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Rheinhausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1688-1974". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Rheinsheim im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Familien und Sippen in Rheinsheim". The last edition was published in 2009. The recorded period is: "1692-1910". The name of the author: "Dieter Haas". *
Ringsheim im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Dorfsippenbuch Ringsheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1679-1969". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". *
Rinschheim im Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Rinschheim". The last edition was published in 1991. The recorded period is: "1652-1952". The name of the author: "Norbert Linsler". *
Rittersbach im Kreis Rastatt/Baden.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Kappelwindeck & Rittersbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1690-1970". The name of the author: "Tilman Krieg". It costs 69,00 €
Rohrbach am Gießhübel im Landkreis Heilbronn.
The name of the book: "Familien in Rohrbach am Gießhübel". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1620-2000". The name of the author: "Kurt Frei". *
Rot in Baden im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Rot in Baden und seine Einwohner". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1644-1904". The name of the author: "Maria Rita Keilbach, Josef Seitz". *
Rotenberg im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Rauenberg mit Rotenberg". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1662-1930". The name of the author: "Klaus Rössler". *
Rümmingen im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Binzen-Rümmingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1598-1966". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Fritz Schülin". *
Rußheim im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Rußheimer Familien". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1692-1920". The name of the author: "Wilhelm Ludwig Lang". *
Rust im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Rust". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1652-1968". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele". It costs 29,00 €
Sandhausen im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familien in Sandhausen". The last edition was published in 1990. The recorded period is: "1694-1899". The name of the author: "Kurt Frei". *
Sankt Ilgen im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familien in St. Ilgen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1694-1940". The name of the author: "Kurt Frei". *
Sankt Nikolaus im Kreis Freiburg.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Opfingen mit Sankt Nikolaus". The last edition was published in 2006. The recorded period is: "1680-1910". The name of the author: "Kurt Heinzmann". *
Sasbach/Kaiserstuhl im Kreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Sasbach am Kaiserstuhl". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1657-1957". The name of the author: "Dieter Ohmberger". *
Sasbach/Ortenau im Kreis Ortenau.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Sasbach/Ortenau". The last edition was published in 2008. The recorded period is: "1697-1950". The name of the author: "Erich Strack". *
Schallbach im Kreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Schallbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1632-2015". The name of the author: "Helmut Fehse, Karlheinz Hahn, Gisela Sütterlin". It costs 30,00 €
Schallsingen im Kr. Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbücher Obereggenen, Schallsingen, Sitzenkirch, Niedereggenen, Feuerbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1550-2013". The name of the author: "Gerd Schaupp, Arbeitsgruppe Chronik Eggenertal". It costs 30,00 €
Schallstadt-Wolfenweiler im Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Schallstadt-Wolfenweiler". The last edition was published in 2004. The recorded period is: "1655-1910". The name of the author: "Karlheinz Hahn". It costs 43,00 €
Schielberg im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Schielberg und Frauenalb". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1720-1900". The name of the author: "Gebhard Axtmann". *
Schmieheim im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Schmieheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1718-1977". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Hans Scheer". *
Schriesheim im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Schriesheim". The last edition was published in 2004. The recorded period is: "1650-1900". The name of the author: "Dr. rer. nat. Karl Schuhmann". *
Schröck im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Leopoldshafen (Schröck)". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1702-1920". The name of the author: "Walter August Scheidle". It costs 20,00 €
Schuttern im Kreis Ortenau.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Schuttern". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-2024". The name of the author: "Dr. F. Mußler, Prof. Dr. M. Blattmann, C. Bohnert-Seidel, J. Hugelmann, M. Hugelmann, V. Joggerst, E. Klem, A. Kopf u.a.". It costs 86,00 €
Schuttertal im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Schuttertal". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-2022". The name of the author: "Klaus Siefert, Veronika Ehret". It costs 69,00 €
Schuttertal im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Erinnerungen an vergangene Tage". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1850-1950". The name of the author: "Gerhard Finkbeiner". It costs 15,00 €
Schuttertal im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Heimatbuch Schuttertal". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1676-1988". The name of the author: "Gerhard Finkbeiner, Hans Scheer, Erich Reinbold, Klaus Siefert". It costs 20,00 €
Schutterzell im Landkreis Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Schutterzell". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1660-1980". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Hans Scheer". *
Schwandorf im Kreis Stockach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Schwandorf". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1945". The name of the author: "Hans-Georg Stritzel". *
Schweigern im Landkreis Main-Tauber-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Schweigern". The last edition was published in 1968. The recorded period is: "1566-1967". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher". *
Schweighausen im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Heimatbuch Schweighausen". The last edition was published in 2003. The recorded period is: "1650-2000". The name of the author: "Gerhard Finkbeiner, Erich Reinbold, Klaus Siefert". It costs 75,00 €
Seckenheim im Stadtkreis Mannheim.
The name of the book: "Seckenheimer Familien". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1641-1900". The name of the author: "Rudolf Kreutzer". It costs 22,00 €
Sexau im Landkreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Sexau". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1709-1973". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Hans Scheer". *
Sitzenkirch im Kr. Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbücher Obereggenen, Schallsingen, Sitzenkirch, Niedereggenen, Feuerbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1550-2013". The name of the author: "Gerd Schaupp, Arbeitsgruppe Chronik Eggenertal". It costs 30,00 €
Spöck im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Spöck". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1667-1920". The name of the author: "Walter August Scheidle". It costs 32,00 €
Staffort im Kreis Stutensee.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Staffort". The last edition was published in 2013. The recorded period is: "1669-1920". The name of the author: "Manfred G. Raupp". *
Stein im Enzkreis.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Stein". The last edition was published in 2002. The recorded period is: "1654-1850". The name of the author: "Ernst Hahner". It costs 30,00 €
Stetten im Ortsteil von Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Stetten". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "Nachtrag 1". The name of the author: "Karlheinz Hahn". It costs 46,00 €
Sulzfeld im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Sulzfeld". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1638-1957". The name of the author: "Klaus Rössler". *
Tannenkirch im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Tannenkirch". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1588-2015". The name of the author: "Ursula Tanner, Irmgard Heß". It costs 40,00 €
Tegernau im Kreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Tegernau mit den Ortsteilen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1612-1870". The name of the author: "Martin Keller †, Johann Georg Ries †, Gudrun Welsch-Weis †, Karl F. Ziegler". It costs 54,00 €
Teutschneureut im Stadtkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Teutschneureut". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1721-1988". The name of the author: "Karin und Michael Niederle". *
Tüllingen im Ortsteil von Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Tüllingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1672-1905". The name of the author: "Karlheinz Hahn". It costs 35,00 €
Tumringen im Ortsteil von Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Tumringen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1679-1906". The name of the author: "Karlheinz Hahn". It costs 40,00 €
Tutschfelden im Landkreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Tutschfelden". The last edition was published in 1988. The recorded period is: "1652-1988". The name of the author: "Erich Reinbold, Gerhardt Natalis, Klaus Siefert". It costs 61,50 €
Ubstadt im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Ubstadt". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1698-1905". The name of the author: "Herbert Beyer". *
Untergrombach im Kreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Untergrombach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1993". The name of the author: "Marga Lauber †, Michael Prestel †, Maria M. Schlitz". It costs 99,00 €
Unteröwisheim im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Unteröwisheim". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1600-1900". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher, Klaus Rößler". *
Wagenstadt im Landkreis Emmendingen.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Wagenstadt". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1990". The name of the author: "Erich Reinbold". It costs 50,00 €
Waibstadt im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familienbuch Waibstadt". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1598-1910". The name of the author: "Karlheinz Jakoby". *
Walldorf im Landkreis: Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Walldorfer Familienbuch". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1650-1900". The name of the author: "Klaus Ronellenfitsch". *
Walldorf im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Badische Waldenserkolonien Walldorf, ...". The last edition was published in 2001. The recorded period is: "1699-1827". The name of the author: "Dr. Theo Kiefner". *
Weingarten im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Weingarten". The last edition was published in 1981. The recorded period is: "1695-1970". The name of the author: "Karl Diefenbacher". *
Welmlingen im Kreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Blansingen-Welmlingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1530-2021". The name of the author: "Helmut Fehse, Günter Henn, Ursula Tanner". It costs 47,00 €
Welschneureut im Stadtkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Welschneureut". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1699-1933". The name of the author: "Walter Müller". *
Welschneureut im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Badische Waldenserkolonien Welschneureut, ...". The last edition was published in 2002. The recorded period is: "1699-1827". The name of the author: "Dr. Theo Kiefner". *
Wieblingen im Stadtkreis Heidelberg.
The name of the book: "Wieblinger Familien ". The last edition was published in 1990. The recorded period is: "1698-1900". The name of the author: "Franz Sobkowiak". *
Wiesloch im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis.
The name of the book: "Familien in Wiesloch und Altwiesloch". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1670-1920". The name of the author: "Gisela Gaberdiel, Dr. Heinz Gaberdiel". It costs 67,00 €
Windschläg im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Windschläg". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1703-1928". The name of the author: "Vera Joggerst, Wolfgang Bientzle, Karl Joggerst". It costs 49,00 €
Wintersdorf im Landkreis Rastatt.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Ottersdorf mit Filialorten Plittersdorf und Wintersdorf". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1700-1808". The name of the author: "Edbert Burster, Ernst Hahner". *
Wintersweiler im Kreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Wintersweiler". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1528-2014". The name of the author: "Helmut Fehse, Günter Henn, Dietmar Strohmeier". *
Wittenweier im Ortenaukreis.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Wittenweier". The last edition was published in 1970. The recorded period is: "1603-1969". The name of the author: "Eugen Eble". *
Wittlingen im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Wittlingen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1583-1964". The name of the author: "Eugen Eble". *
Wolfartsweier im Stadtteil Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Wolfartsweier". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1692-1949". The name of the author: "Ulrich Kindler, Iris Riedlsperger, Sigrid Faigle-Kirchenbauer". It costs 45,00 €
Wolfenweiler im Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Schallstadt-Wolfenweiler". The last edition was published in 2004. The recorded period is: "1655-1910". The name of the author: "Karlheinz Hahn". It costs 43,00 €
Wollbach im Landkreis Lörrach.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Wollbach". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1586-1960". The name of the author: "Albert Köbele, Fritz Schülin". *
Würm im Stadtkreis Pforzheim.
The name of the book: "Ortsfamilienbuch Würm". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1648-1903". The name of the author: "Wolfgang Hamm, Ruth Schneider, Kurt Stöhr". It costs 39,80 €
Zaisenhausen im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Zaisenhausen". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1566-1971". The name of the author: "Margarete Herzer, Rudolf Herzer, D. Dr. Otto Beuttenmüller". *
Zeutern im Landkreis Karlsruhe.
The name of the book: "Ortssippenbuch Zeutern". The last edition was published in . The recorded period is: "1682-1900". The name of the author: "Franz Keßler". *
* means: the book is out of stock